What is Tinnitus?

Do you suffer from ringing in ears?

Tinnitus (or ringing in ears) is a condition that affects 30% of the UK population at some point in their life. For most, this annoying sound simply goes away, but for 1:10, tinnitus can be extremely bothersome, disrupting sleep and general well-being.

Tinnitus has two main elements


Spontaneous brain activity

Electrical activity along the hearing pathway is interpreted by the brain as a sound = tinnitus.

Perceptual component

Our emotional response may give a perception that the tinnitus sound gets louder over time.

It is important to address the underlying spontaneous brain activity and to manage our emotional reaction to the tinnitus.

Effective tinnitus treatment

Tinnitus sounds are different for everyone and may include, ringing in the ears, whooshing, whirring, buzzing, whistling, pulsing etc. Some may have multi-tonal tinnitus or ‘musical tinnitus’ and the sounds can be perceived in either ear or somewhere in the head.

Most tinnitus clients we see also have an underlying hearing problem and do find significant relief from their symptoms. As tinnitus is a very individual condition we can offer you a personalised plan to help you manage your tinnitus more effectively.

Take control of your tinnitus

We dislike the term ‘no cure for tinnitus’. This can leave some clients believing there is no help or hope and that they can never escape from the tinnitus loudness they experience. There is lots of really great help available, support tools, products, therapies and much more.