Specialist Micro suction Ear Wax Removal Centre

What makes our ear wax removal clinic so different to others locally?

Firstly, my team are fully qualified. In addition to my 26+ years experience within audiology and ear care I have been performing micro suction wax removal here in Plymouth for over 7 years. Our audiology team and ear wax removal removal practitioners also have 25 years experience in their profession

We only use specialist examination micro scopes and video otoscopes (cameras) to ensure your procedures with us are as safe as they can be. This level of equipment along with our audiological equipment suite can help us to identify any potential areas of concern. We also specialise in more complex ear wax removals.

All of our clients receive an exceptional level of care with us and our customer reviews and testimonials support our approach. I recommend you take a look.

Our pricing reflects our knowledge and professional ear care expertise.


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